Poverty is just one of the many issues that we have in the world. Unfortunately many people don't see how serious it really is. Poverty is more than just the hungry kids in Africa, its also poor, starving and homeless families in places all around the world. Poverty can happen anywhere in the world  but the amount of awareness is different in certain places. In wealthier countries it may be harder to realize how serious of a problem this is. Sure, if people donate it will help some family's in need but it's not a solution. I feel that if we want to get rid of poverty, we have to do more and try harder. Donating does help but if we want to make a greater difference we also have to spread the world. If the word is spread and people understand how much poverty can have an affect, then they will be more motivated to be a part of the solution. By raising awareness we could probably get over twice the amount of people to donate. Just because the richer countries don't see much poverty around them, doesn't mean it is less of their responsibility to help. I believe that donating is just half of what we can do. Even just telling someone about how they can help can make all the difference. I think most people don't realize that millions of children around the world will never have the chance to go to school, while most of us take school for granted. In my opinion, we need to end this and create a better future. It's not hard, even the smallest actions count, like giving someone food, water or even a place to stay. I wish people would think more about how hard it is for some people just to survive.